
Ole Christiansen

Over the years, Ole Christiansen has supplied images for countless books, magazines, record covers, annual reports, etc.
A particular preoccupation has been music photography, portraits, but also – often strongly graphically emphasized urban landscapes.
Ole Christiansen is known for his covers of Euroman and record covers of bands such as Sort Sol, TV2, Thomas Helmig and many others. His visual signature is unique and distinguished by a very graphic look.
In recent years, he has started to create moving images, including video installations for e.g. Eva Koch and music videos for Kenneth Thordal.


Ole Christiansen, born 1955 in Elsinore, live and work in Copenhagen.
Completed training as a photographer in 1980
Freelance photographer since 1980

Separate exhibitions

2023Portraits 1982 – 2022, Phototeket, Esbjerg
2022  Portraits, The National History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle, Hillerød 
2021 Gallery Sapere Aude,Copenhagen
2008 Polka Dot, Copenhagen
2006 Polka Dot, Copenhagen
2003 Fotografisk Cente, Copenhagen
1998, 1989Billedhusets Galleri, Copenhagen
1992    Galleri Photografica, Copenhagen
1991, 1980  Galleri Image, Århus

Group exhibitions

2023Over time, Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel
2023Artist portraits, Galleri Rocks, Copenhagen
2022  Roskilde Festival, Galleri Rocks, Copenhagen
2021Off Stage, Silkeborg Bad
2021 In Pursuit of Identity, Gallery Sapere Aude, Copenhagen
2021 Galleri Rocks, Sort Sol, Copenhagen
2020 Off Stage, Teatermuseet i Hofteatret, Copenhagen
2020Galleri Rocks, Copenhagen
2019Self-Stage, Teatermuseet i Hofteatret, Copenhagen
2018Interpretations, Teatermuseet i Hofteatret, Copenhagen
2017Street photography, Øsknehallen, Copenhagen
2017Backdrop, Malmö Fotobiennal
2007Fotofest, Houston, Texas: New photography from Denmark
2007Aspekte Danischer Fotografie, Berlin
2006Polka Dot, Copenhagen
2006The Museum of Photography, Brandts Klædefabrik Odense
2005 Faulcorner Gallery, Scandinavian Photography 2, (G), Grinnell Collage, Iowa, USA
1997Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen
1996“TOKYO TODAY” traveling exhibition in Europe
1996Kulturfærgen M/F Kronborg, The European Face, Copenhagen
1995“Dobbeltportrætter” med Torben Eskerod, Overgaden, The ministry of cultures exbibition house for contemporary art
1993The National History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle, Hillerød
Charlottenborgs spring exhibition, Copenhagen 
1985Charlottenborgs autumn exhibition, Copenhagen 
1984God and Grammar, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen

Represented in the following collections 

The National History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle, Hillerød
The Royal Library, Copenhagen         
The Museum of Photography, Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense


2020White Wall
2022Portraits 1982-2022
2024My view